Tuesday, July 23, 2019


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Let's talk about incarnation.  I know that many of us believe that Jesus or some other form of deity is in control over us all.  I challenge you however to see beyond the veil.  Look past what you have been taught in church, school or even by your parents.  Psalm 82:6 I say, 'You are gods; you are all children of the Most High.' and Jesus said it as well in John 10:34 Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are "gods"'?  This is something which had bothered me since before my awakening and a big part why I left the church.  
We as people, going to church 'worshiping' Jesus when he said we are just as HE IS. We need to come to understand that Jesus was a great teacher and that we are the incarnation of that great One. One that came to teach us that we have just as much ability as he did.  We just have to tap into it. 
When I first 'woke' up I found my Reiki papers which I had wrote a prayer on one of them.  At the top of the page with all my Reiki symbols was John 14:12 'Verily I tell you, you will do greater things than I have done for I must go to the Father.'  He tells us this himself:  that we WILL do greater things than he had.  When did we allow our ego to get involved to tell us otherwise?
Yes corruption has been in our world it seems since conception but, we do have free will.  We can choose at any time to get off the merry-go-round of self lies and deceit if we so choose. 
It is a choice.  To have the fullness of the Christ within.  To not allow our ego to get the best of us and hold us down.  To stand tall without guilt and shame.  That is of our own keeping, not the Divine's.  
Is it not now time for you to make a difference for the Kingdom of Love?  Before we have no choice?  You see, the ultimate command is to LOVE.  That in and of itself is what Jesus came to teach us.  Love ourselves, love others, love all as though it was and is God itself.  
I know that as a human beings we fall short but isn't it time to fall out of the lies and lean into the love of incarnation?  If not now, when?

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